Sunday, June 23, 2019

2019?! Still kicking and learning more about myself daily.

I'd nearly forgotten about this page.. well, here's why I'm back.

Been reading (audio book) of David Goggins' Can't Hurt Me. He's a huge story unto himself, but a retired SEAL with a slew of accolades and a really rough past. I feel so not alone listening to him describe his horrible childhood and the effects it had on him.

I've started working on the ten challenges he's placed into the audio book.. each is a tough, but fair look into your own life and circumstances.. and possibilities.

My wife and I have been planning a trip to Switzerland for my 50th birthday coming up in a few years.. this really makes me happy to find something to talk about with her besides our thankless jobs.

But, back to why I'm here now- as much as I love my family, my blood family.. they are the biggest stumbling block in my life. Here's a couple of really recent examples;

       - Dad wants to increase the rent on the home we're 'buying' from him. It was inherited from the passing of his mother six years ago this November. The increase means we're paying for the property taxes.. I'm really no longer interested in keeping this generational home of the Geil/Mondy line. It's broken down, outdated (especially electrically and in plumbing). Time to make an ugly decision here.

      - My uncle that inherited the farm from the passing of my maternal grandmother had decided years ago that he no longer wanted me parking Grandpa's old truck there. The junk collector doesn't want my junk around.. that's fine. So he arranges to bring it to town and asks where to park it. I said the driveway is where it needs to go.. so he dumped it around the corner on another street, leaving me with no way to get it up the hill/around the corner/and into my drive. The city towed it off and I'll never see that beautiful truck again..

My family. If it wasn't for DNA you'd never know we were related. I'm assuming not all families are this shitty to each other, but I really haven't any other resource or friends with which to discuss.

Goggins' challenges- I will use this blog to continue and log the events necessary to complete the race. A few of them are vicious and raw glimpses into your own past.. as portions of this blog have been previously.

To anyone reading this, I appreciate your part in my life- to my blood that treats me like mentioned above- Go Fuck Yourself.

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